When I knit, it seems to me as if my yarn holds my thoughts and feelings for me, so that the next time I pick up that particular piece of knitting, I remember what was going on around me, or what I was thinking as I was knitting. So today while watching the Inauguration, I worked on my socks. My red socks.
A dear friend (MaryAnn) once told me that whenever she felt down, or sad, or lonely or afraid, she would put on a nice pair of zesty red socks, and they would always make her feel better. She said that they brought her comfort somehow. She has since lost her battle with ovarian cancer, but in memory of MaryAnn I have a pair of hand-knit red socks, and frankly, they are getting a lot of use these days. Between ScatDaddy's unemployment, my mom's health issues and the economy, it seems like I need all the comfort I can get most days. Too bad the weather has been so darn warm the past few weeks. Yikes! So, I have cast on another pair of red socks, in a wee bit lighter weight yarn. And I worked on them today, while watching our new president speak of hope, and hard work, and a better future for our children. So, the next time I work on them, I can think about hope, and hard work, and a better future for our children.