Friday, June 22, 2012


I used to like running.  Now?  Not so much.  The running training schedule I am following is pretty easy.  I am not exhausted after the workout (I am tired, but not wiped out.)  I am taking it VERY slow to minimize any injuries because of my weight. My intention isn't to run the Triathlon, but to walk the 5K part (okay, if there are any downhill parts, I might run those!)  I do however, want to get to a place where I might be able to run at least part of a 5K.  Some day.  Back to the not liking the running part:  I am not sure what part I don't like.  I do know that I don't like it so much that I start dreading it the night before my scheduled work out day.  Again, it's not too hard, it doesn't hurt, I have good music to listen to, and good round-timer so I can focus on form, not timing myself.  I dunno.  What's up with that, anyway?  I guess what counts is that I just get out there and do it.  Today, I did.  I just got out there and did my thing.  It went fine.  It wasn't easy.  It wasn't all that much fun.  But it wasn't terrible, either.  And I do feel good now that it's done.  It's a mystery, I guess.  Whatev!

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