Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Long Time Coming

Today I took care of my mom for my dad while he was out in the garage doing some man-stuff-repairs-using-power-tools with Reg. We had a nice time, my mom and I. We sat outside in the sunshine. I was able to get some spinning done, and she dozed and watched me off and on.

I feel like I am finally at a place of peace with the prognosis of my mom. Dementia is crummy and no fun, but there are moments of clarity for her, and those moments are what gets me through. I feel like I am finally in a place of balance- between taking care of my parents and taking care of my girls and taking care of my husband and taking care of me. Precarious balance, but balance nonetheless. And I am okay with that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day was super nice- very relaxing and low drama. For my family, low drama is a rarity. Mom seemed to enjoy herself for the first half of the get-together, but then quickly got overwhelmed. I helped her with her presents and the cards, then I sent the girls upstairs and we quickly cleaned up and then left. Sigh. Some days are more difficult than others to bear the pain of dementia.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tired Of Being Sad

Yesterday I realized that I am tired of being sad. I wonder when this sadness will pass? I am not depressed - just sad.