Monday, July 16, 2012

A SHORT Break For A Wedding

My oldest daughter, Mandy is getting married this week.  So I am taking a short break in training.  This kind of makes me nervous, because I still have so very far to go, and sprint day is barreling down the pike right at me.  On the bright side, Reg and I went on an 11 mile ride yesterday, and I cleaned my bathroom so clean today, that we could have had dinner in there tonight.  That has to count for something, yes?

I am trying not to be obsessed over not training this week, for goodness sake, my FIRST BORN is getting married in my backyard in 6 days!  And in all honesty, it's not that I love training so much, it's that I am scared outta my mind.  Yesterday, there were many bikers out on the road, and they all looked in shape, with their slim biking shorts, sporty tops, and super sleek helmets.  I am not even close to in shape, every part of my body jiggles, my cut-off sweats kept getting caught in my water bottle lid, and my helmet is from Walmart. I am not sure what makes me think I want to do this, but that is for another day.  For now, I am going to focus on the super fun, super exciting event coming right up- a wedding!  Woot! 

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