Thursday, June 21, 2012

Be Warned

Dear Drivers,

I am one of you.  I have been for many years.  I drive.  I get it.  I understand how annoying a person riding a bike can be.  Bike riders aren't going as fast as traffic, they kinda weave and wobble, and they are hard to pass.  I get it--I really do.  But the next time you are feeling annoyed and inconvenienced by the biker ahead of you, here are a few thoughts for you to consider before whipping past them:  

  1. They might be new at biking
  2. They might have a family that needs them
  3. They might enjoy being alive
  4. They might want to see the sunrise of the next day.
  5. And last but not least:  they might be me or my children.  
So, dear driver, let's put this in perspective shall we?  Let's agree to give every person you pass on a bike today, a little extra space.  You are closer than you think when trying to "quickly pass" a biker in your big. honkin'. metal. tank.  Honestly, you are not as deft, or agile as you might think.

Riding bikes with my kids, I discovered that I have a violent protective streak, more than a mile wide.  When passing a bike rider, drivers come WAY TOO CLOSE.  Some have the audacity to HONK at my children while passing them, because THAT isn't scary or rude at all!   I am glad I don't have a shotgun or rocket launcher on my bike, although the thought has crossed my mind.  (I am pretty sure I could find a niche market for that design.)

So be warned, drivers:  If I am out riding my bike, and you hit me or my children, you had better make darn sure that I am as dead or incapacitated, because if there is ANY way that I can do it, I WILL GET UP AND COME AFTER YOU!!!  Just saying is all...... 

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