Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feeling Stronger Today

Today I rode 9 miles on my bike, and it felt good-  really good.  So good in fact, I don't feel like it was a hard workout at all.  That is AWESOME!!!!  I am SO excited- some progress!  After that terrible swim workout I had yesterday, this is very encouraging.

The girls are gone at camp all next week, and Sarah only works half days, so we have 2 good long rides planned, and I am excited!  On Monday, we are going to go to Shadow Cliffs to do an open water swim, and then a long bike ride.  We might flip flop that though, because it would be nice to cool off after the ride- we'll see.

I am pretty terrified of an open water swim, so I should practice a time or two before the real deal, I guess.  I am not sure why I am so terrified.  Growing up, I only swam in a lake- we went water skiing every weekend, and I can't remember ever swimming in a pool.  Now, the thought of swimming in a lake gives me the heebie-jeebies.  Yikes!

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